We made it! The flights were long and miserable, but we are happy to be in Sicily. It seems like we flew for days and in a way we did… We left from San Diego at 730am to Atlanta then overnight to Rome then down to Catania at 1pm.
Luckily we got good seats along the way… and I say luckily because up until checkin at the airport we didn’t have any confirmed seats thanks to many mix ups at work. With our 7 bags… including 3 seventy pound beasts that we checked in (try packing for the next 3 months), we hunkered down in our flying sardine can.
Lugging our carryons from plane to plane was not fun especially in Rome because it was a sweatbox… A shower was a vision in our minds or maybe a dip in the Mediterranean.

We didnt lose any luggage! And my coworker Jack picked us up and the adventure began…. Introduction to Italian driving … yikes. . No Sicilian food yet!