
After our friends wedding in Kennebunkport we had a couple days to spare before we went back home to Sicily.  We decided to head down to Boston since our flight would be leaving from there and Jess has never been.  I have been to Boston over a dozen times because I had a pretty regular schedule of work trips to Boston a few years back.  I love Boston.  A lot of historical things to see, big food and Continue reading “Boston”


Back to the States!  We were looking forward to this trip for over a year now.   Our good friends Matt and Laura got married in Kennebunkport and it was an amazing time and place.  Congrats to the bride and groom!

This is the first time that we’ve been to Maine and it reminded me a lot of Northern Michigan.  Huge difference in the scenery that we have been accustomed to the last couple months in the Mediterranean.  We loved the small town feel of Kennebunkport.

Onto the Food!  and of course what comes to Continue reading “Kennebunkport”

So Long Sandy Eggo

As the days are counting down things are getting crazier.  All the preparing and work we did ahead of time doesn’t seem to be helping.  I have been in serious salesman mode and Im proud to say a successful salesman.  I was able to sell Jess’s jeep, my truck, and sadly my boat.   Its nice to know I have the salesman ability to fall back on if Continue reading “So Long Sandy Eggo”

Unhappy Movers in San Diego

Today is the day the movers crated up all of our wrapped up items for shipment across the pond.  The standard has been pretty impressive to me in terms of how well they pack everything and then also place it all into giant crates for protection.  Im not too worried about items being too busted up thanks to all this, but that protection doesn’t really do anything if it falls off the boat and floats to the bottom of the Atlantic.  Luckily we remembered to take a lot of pictures of our items before pack up.

Anyways everything was going great and Continue reading “Unhappy Movers in San Diego”

Packing up San Diego

Its finally sinking in…

Today was the day of the movers…. months of lead up to this day.  All in all it went really well.  Amazing how efficient these guys were at packing everything up nicely.  Our place wreaks of tape and permanent marker.

Like I was saying it is finally sinking in that we are moving somewhere… not really sinking in that we are moving to Italy.  Im not sure that will ever sink in exactly.

I was talking to Jess about moving and this would be Continue reading “Packing up San Diego”

Keeping Austin Weird

Went on trip to Austin for a long weekend for a bachelor party of a good friend… and in keeping with the rules of a bachelor party thats all I can say about that … and there will not be any pictures involved here… other than food!

We had a lot of great food this entire weekend.  From epic BBQ to savvy sushi we covered all the bases.  I mean if your going to soak up all that alcohol you might as well do it with good taste in mind right?  Unfortunately I do not have a whole lot of pictures due to the rules, but here is a list of some of the restaurants and Continue reading “Keeping Austin Weird”

Pure Michigan

We flew to Michigan to see my family before our departure to Italy in June.  It was funny when we started planning this trip a few months ago because I wanted to make sure that the  snowy weather was done.  We figured the first week of May was safe… and we were right, but barely.  This past winter was terrible with snow and Continue reading “Pure Michigan”