What time is it?? What day is it??   Im hungry .. I think… we journeyed over to the piazza on base, where they have a food place near the movie theater.   Our first meal in Sicily!!
Play the video below and make sure your speakers are on… as you scroll down to a picture of our meal.
Wait for it…
Wait for it…

Thats right ! 100% authentic Sicilian Tenders!  I know … big disappointment, but not so bad after the plane food the past couple days. A real Sicilian meal has to be in our near future.
Those fries look great!
The fries were pretty dang good. What we have found is that the Italians love their “patate fritte” around here. Almost every restaurant we have been to.. you will see an order of patate fritte on an Italians table as an appetizer. It can’t be something new to the cuisine, but they act like it is.
Could use an insert here, “save the neck for me Clark!” you know the movie, Ha.